Riesener Jean-Henri


Best cabinet-maker of the Louis XVI style furniture, by the diversity of his work, the exceptional quality of his fabrication, the sumptuousness of the pieces made for the court (he was the official furnisher for ten years). Born in Germany, he came to Paris while he was still young and worked with Jean-François Oeben, cabinet-maker of the King at the Arsenal in his workshop. He became one of his favorite collaborator; and in 1763, when Oeben died, Riesener became the director of the firm. Jean-François Leleu, his rival, was very hostile to this promotion.
In 1768, he became master, and was allowed to mark his own name on the furniture he made for five years under the label ‘Oeben’. In 1769, he achieved the famous bureau ordered by the King in Versailles. His workshop was renowned and Riesener was very famous in Paris. In 1774, he received the title ‘ébéniste ordinaire du mobilier de la Couronne’. from this moment, Riesener produced many pieces for the court, and people like le comte et la comtesse de Provence, le comte d’Artois, le duc d’Orléans in about ten years.

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