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Pair of Louis XIV style silver plated bronze candelabra
Pair of Louis XIV style silver plated bronze candelabra11 December 2024 -
Neo-Greek style planter and vases – Barbedienne Manufacture
Neo-Greek style planter and vases – Barbedienne Manufacture22 December 2020 -
Neo-Egyptian style silver and gilded bronze planter by Henri Picard
Neo-Egyptian style silver and gilded bronze planter by Henri Picard2 February 2022 -
Mirror Renaissance style by Jules Paul Brateau
Mirror Renaissance style by Jules Paul Brateau5 September 2020 -
Pair of Louis XVI style candelabra: Zephyr, Flora, Cupid and Psyche
Pair of Louis XVI style candelabra: Zephyr, Flora, Cupid and Psyche4 March 2022 -
Pair of Art Nouveau style Satyr and Nymph candelabra
Pair of Art Nouveau style Satyr and Nymph candelabra28 March 2022 -
Rocaille style planter in crystal and silvered bronze – MANUFACTURE BACCARAT
Rocaille style planter in crystal and silvered bronze – MANUFACTURE BACCARAT9 October 2020 -
Pair of large candelabra FROM THE BOURBON RESTORATION PERIOD attributed to Thomire
Pair of large candelabra FROM THE BOURBON RESTORATION PERIOD attributed to Thomire7 December 2020 -
Pair of Rocaille-style ewers
Pair of Rocaille-style ewers21 October 2020 -
Beautiful epergne – Maison Christofle
Beautiful epergne – Maison Christofle21 December 2020 -
Exquisite pair of wine coolers
Exquisite pair of wine coolers7 October 2020 -
Psyche and Cupid Mirror attributed to Auguste Moreau
Psyche and Cupid Mirror attributed to Auguste Moreau9 November 2020 -
Regence style inkwell by AUCOC ANDRÉ
Regence style inkwell by AUCOC ANDRÉ21 October 2020