
Fumière et Cie


Fumière et Cie, was part of Thiébaut Frères, a renowned French bronzemaker/founder in the mid-19th century, dedicated to works of art. This distinguished company worked with famous sculptors and other bronzemakers such as Barbedienne, Belleuse, Dubois, Carpeaux and d’Angers. They took part in numerous French exhibitions and created many historic monuments in and around Paris, including Saint Michel slaying the dragon designed by Duret for the Saint-Michel fountain in Paris and Napoléon I designed by Dumont for the Vendôme column. Others include Gloria Victis by Mercié, a statue of Alexandre Dumas Père and the vase known as Le Poème de la Vigne, now in the San Francisco museum, a statue of Charlemagne by the Marquet brothers, and a reduction of the Statue of Liberty by Bartholdi that now stands on the Pont de Grenelle in Paris. In 1898, Rodin signed a contract with this company for the casting of two of his works of different sizes: Saint Jean-Baptiste and La Jeunesse triomphante.

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