• La douleur d’Orphée par Raoul Verlet
  • La douleur d’Orphée par Raoul Verlet
  • La douleur d’Orphée par Raoul Verlet
  • La douleur d’Orphée par Raoul Verlet
  • La douleur d’Orphée par Raoul Verlet
  • La douleur d’Orphée par Raoul Verlet
  • La douleur d’Orphée par Raoul Verlet
  • La douleur d’Orphée par Raoul Verlet
  • La douleur d’Orphée par Raoul Verlet
  • place Malesherbes - La douleur d’Orphée par Raoul Verlet
  • Musée Petit Palais - modèle original plâtre

The pain of Orpheus by Raoul Verlet

Maison Barbedienne

Raoul Verlet

Important bronze sculpture with brown patina representing Orpheus from Greek mythology. The story of Eurydice and Orpheus is the most famous love story. The hero descends to hell to find his beloved. He breaks his promise not to turn back, thus losing her forever, a symbol of a sacrificial love in which a spirit of wisdom and religiosity rumbles.
At his feet is a three-headed dog Cerberus, the guardian of the underworld, and a lyre, a musical instrument traditionally associated with Orpheus. With this lyre he could charm humans and put wild animals to sleep.

French work from the end of the 19th century, around 1890.
Signatures on the terrace: Raoul Verlet and F. Barbedienne Fondeur Paris.
Sculptor Raoul Verlet (Angoulême 1857 – Paris 1923).
Founder Ferdinand Barbedienne.
Stamp edition Mechanical reduction A. COLLAS.
Inventory number 679.

The pain of Orpheus (1887), formerly Place Malesherbes (Place du Général-Catroux) in Paris, sent to the foundry under the Vichy regime, as part of the mobilisation of non-ferrous metals.
The original work in plaster was exhibited at the 1887 Salon (no. 4573), received the Salon Prize and was bought by the City of Paris and is currently in the Petit Palais museum.



Height: 125.5 cm

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